Hi there! Were you looking for Qnet the QVH staff intranet?

Sorry but Qnet is currently receiving some medical attention but will be back online as soon as possible later today.

What should I do if I need…

  • safeguarding information? You can find all of the contact numbers you need to raise a safeguarding concern or for independent mental capacity act advice here. Don’t forget all safeguarding concerns need to be added to Datix.
  • a policy? Collette Crane, patient safety and governance facilitator, has copies of everything that’s also available on Qnet. You can contact her on x4363 or email collette.crane1@nhs.net
  • a telephone number? Switchboard can help but please be mindful that they may be busy. You can contact switchboard by dialling 0 from an onsite phone or calling 01342 414000 from a mobile or outside the Trust. Don’t forget you can always contact colleagues on MS Teams.
  • to raise a Datix? Please use the link on the desktop of your computer instead. Or email the risk team at qvh.riskteam@nhs.net.

For more information about the downtime please email Michelle Baillie, communications manager, at michelle.baillie@nhs.net