Our latest visiting guidance
Tuesday 11th April 2023
![Our latest visiting guidance](https://www.qvh.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Queen-Victoria-Hospital-NHS-FT-main-reception-300x200.jpg)
Welcoming visitors to our hospital is important to us and our patients. Find out about visiting times and how we keep people safe from infection in our hospital below.
Please can we ask that if you are unwell you do not come to the hospital.
Visiting someone who is an inpatient:
Please ensure that you are well before you come to the hospital so we do not put any of our patients at risk. As space is limited in our wards please consider how many people may be visiting.
Whilst wearing a face covering is no longer compulsory, you are welcome to wear one if you would prefer. Please do continue to follow good hand hygiene and bring as few personal belongings as possible.
Visiting hours for Margaret Duncombe, Ross Tilley and our Burns wards are from 2pm to 8pm. Protected mealtime is 5-6pm; if you are visiting a ward please respect this protected mealtime and try not to visit during it. If you normally visit at mealtimes in order to help your relative or friend to eat or just to give encouragement, we are happy for you to continue to do this. Please ask the nurse in charge how you can help out.
Visiting hours for our Head and Neck Unit is between 2-5pm and 6-8pm. One visitor per patient per day please.
Different arrangements are in place for Peanut Ward (children’s ward) and the Critical Care Unit – please speak to the teams for more information.
We try to be as flexible as possible regarding visiting. Please speak to a member of our team if you would like to discuss this further.
We encourage patients and visitors to continue to use Facetime, Skype, Zoom and WhatsApp to stay in touch with loved ones during their hospital stay. Free Wi-Fi is available across the hospital. iPads are available on wards for use by patients who do not have a smartphone or other mobile device.
Visiting is not allowed if:
You have tested positive for coronavirus or are unwell.
If you are the parent or guardian of a child who is a patient:
A child or young person admitted to our Peanut ward should ideally be accompanied by only one parent/carer. Alternative arrangements may be discussed and agreed with the nurse in charge.
Parents and children are to remain within the cubicle or bay. Please do not come to the hospital if you are unwell.
End of life care:
If a patient is receiving end of life care special arrangements will be made for visitors to come in more frequently.
Visiting with a patient who is coming for an appointment or attending our minor injuries unit:
Please can we ask that where possible patients only bring one person with them. If a patient needs additional support please let the team know when you check in for your appointment.
Thank you for your cooperation.