QVH Strategy 2025-2030

Cover picture of the QVH strategy with the words QVH Strategy 2025-2030 written on it and to the right a series of photos of QVH staff and patients

In April 2023 we began a programme of work to develop our strategy for the future. On Thursday 14 November 2024 at our Public Board Meeting, the QVH Strategy 2025-2030 was approved. This is a milestone moment for us.

Our strategy has been developed looking at national and local policy and direction for the future. It is in line with the health and care system strategies across Kent, Medway, Surrey and Sussex and includes our role, working with partners in Sussex, to deliver the ambitions of Improving Lives Together. In an ever-changing healthcare landscape, we recognise the importance of being agile and dynamic.

Our five year strategy QVH Strategy 2025-30 sets our refreshed organisation vision, values, strategic objectives, future focus and direction. It includes our ambitions for our patient services and the key enablers to help us deliver our strategy.

Engagement has been at the heart of developing the QVH Strategy 2025-2030.  We are proud that it has been shaped and co-produced with over 3,000 patients, volunteers, staff, health and care partners and a wide variety of stakeholders across Kent, Surrey, Sussex and beyond. It is also data driven, which alongside extensive engagement, has informed our focus for the future.

Our vision is to be a Centre of Excellence that rebuilds lives and supports communities for a healthier future.

Our clinical strategy is for QVH to be a centre of excellence for reconstruction and sleep and to provide a set of services for our local population.

To achieve this we have 3 key areas:

  • We will be a centre of excellence and leaders in our areas of expertise, which will be strengthened through an enhanced focus on research and innovation to support research, training and driving best practice.
  • We will develop holistic services to support the repair and rebuild of patients’ physical and psychological needs through our health psychology approach.
  • We will be an active partner and will seek to integrate our services, taking our specialist care closer to home and supporting provider services through collaboration.

3 key areas of focus for the QVH strategy - centre of excellence, holistic needs, and service integration
We will deliver this through a clear operating model, underpinned by our vision, values and  behavioural framework which will help us live our values in all that we do.

What will be different for our patients and staff in 5 years’ time?

With the successful implementation of our strategy, there will be several meaningful changes to enhance patient and staff experience. Examples include:

  • Internationally recognised for setting standards of care
  • A culture of continuous improvement
  • Innovative new roles for our people
  • Patients and staff are able to participate in research
  • Holistic care at the heart of what we do
  • Supporting people to live independent lives and access care locally
  • Inspiring our future workforce
  • Reduced energy consumption
  • Collaborative partnerships providing care closer to home
  • Strong emphasis on equitable access and outcomes
  • Enhanced service environment to support accessibility and care
  • Empowered patients and staff through technology.

You can read the full strategy document here.

Page updated: 20 November 2024

Our values

Our values

Through our values we are caring and inclusive, supportive and challenging, listen to improve and succeed together.

Our QVH Strategy 2025-2030

Our QVH Strategy 2025-2030

QVH Strategy 2025-2030 glossary of terms

Read our Enabling Strategies here

Watch our introduction to Queen Victoria Hospital video

Our reputation

Best for patients:

We were judged by patients as one of the best hospitals in the country in the most recent national inpatient survey.

Low infection rates:

QVH has one of the lowest rates in the country for hospital acquired infections and scored 9.5 out of 10 for the cleanliness of wards in the most recent national inpatient survey.

Respecting your privacy:

QVH scored 9.8 out of 10 for being given enough privacy when being examined or treated in the most recent national inpatient survey.