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Education at QVH

As a leading specialist centre for reconstructive surgery and rehabilitation QVH has a proud heritage and is known throughout the world for pioneering new and innovative techniques and treatments. We are able to offer excellent educational opportunities in clinical areas and in the classroom.

For trainee doctors we offer specialist training in anaesthetics, maxillofacial surgery and plastic surgery. Our corneo plastic unit offers two fellowship training programmes with pre-consultant fellows and the orthodontics unit offers fixed term training appointments and specialist registrar positions. The medical education team supports trainees during their placements and offers CPD opportunities to all doctors within the Trust.

QVH welcomes Nursing and Allied Health Professional students and apprentices on practice placements from a number of local Universities. There is an established preceptorship programme for newly registered staff. We have a range of nursing and AHP career pathways and work with staff to build their careers.

We have a team of clinical educators across all professions who train aspiring Nurses, Operating Department Practitioners, Therapists and Paramedics as well as supporting professional development for our existing workforce

The organisational development and learning team are responsible for rolling out the Trust’s management and leadership programme. They also deliver corporate induction, statutory and mandatory training and can offer personal and team development opportunities.

There are opportunities throughout QVH for apprenticeships, both for new and existing employees.

Multidisciplinary learning, especially using simulation, is encouraged and rapidly developing at QVH.