QVH eye patients get support from new RNIB liaison officer

Wednesday 29th June 2016

QVH eye patients get support from new RNIB liaison officer

QVH eye patients are set to get even better support following the appointment of a new eye care liaison officer.

Funded by the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB), the liaison officer ensures that people who are diagnosed with sight loss are given practical and emotional support in addition to the first-class medical care provided by QVH hospital staff.

The liaison officer can spend time with the patient explaining what is happening and navigating the support and services available from social services and other national and local groups. These include:

  • Emotional support, information and advice on living with sight loss and maintaining independence.
  • Details of the latest aids and accessible technology for people with sight loss.
  • Advice about employment, education, benefits or leisure.

Jan Foster has been appointed as the eye care liaison officer for QVH. The role is shared with the eye department at the Princess Royal Hospital in Hayward’s Heath with Jan spending time with patients at both hospitals, and always available to answer queries and arrange meetings by phone.

The RNIB has an ambition that 90% of people diagnosed with sight loss nationally have access to practical and emotional support. RNIB have funded Jan’s role, but they in turn received generous funding for the first year from the Sussex Freemasons. 4SIGHT, the West Sussex Association for the Blind, and national support group Action for Blind People have been involved in the recruiting and training of the eye care liaison officer.

To contact Jan Foster, contact the eye clinic nurse manager in the first instance on 01342 41 4569 or belinda.alexander1@nhs.net

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