Patients and visitors asked to nominate outstanding staff for QVH awards

Wednesday 5th July 2017

Patients and visitors asked to nominate outstanding staff for QVH awards

Have you been a patient or visitor at the Queen Victoria Hospital in East Grinstead in the last year and received treatment or support from an outstanding member of staff? If so the hospital wants to hear from you. We are encouraging the general public to nominate staff from across the hospital who have shown exceptional care and compassion for its outstanding patient experience award.

The annual QVH staff awards recognise staff who are making a difference and ensuring the hospital puts patients front and centre. As well as celebrating achievements like exceptional service, teamwork or improvements to services, QVH is keen to know who has made a real difference to your experience of the hospital. This could be anyone from the person who helped book your appointment, through to the nurse, therapist or doctor who cared for you. This is your chance to say thanks.

It only takes a minute to nominate a member of staff via a quick online form – if you can’t remember the full name of the person you want to choose please give as much detail as you can. Nominations can be made online here or by calling the corporate affairs team on 01342 414508 for a form. The deadline is Monday 31 July 2017.

Chief Executive Steve Jenkin said: “We are proud of the care and compassion that our hospital is renowned for. The outstanding patient experience award is an opportunity for us to recognise staff who go the extra mile, and is particularly special as nominations come from the public. It means a lot to the staff who are nominated to know that their work has made a real difference to the patients and visitors they care for.”

Previous winners of the patient experience award include:

  • Appointments coordinator Jenny Francis, who went above and beyond to ensure a patient knew that his appointment had been changed
  • Nurse Nazli Chase who was nominated because “The way she took the time to comfort and reassure me was really touching.”
  • Corneoplastics consultant Mr Samer Hamada (pictured with Director of Nursing and Quality, Jo Thomas) who was described as “our knight in shining armour”…who always gives better care and attention than expected, was nominated by parents of a young patient he had treated for more than three years.

The awards ceremony will take place in September at the Crowne Plaza in Felbridge which is supporting the awards again this year by waiving its usual fees.