Signage improvements for hospital site
Thursday 7th February 2019
Patients tell us the standards of care they receive at Queen Victoria Hospital are very high and they often praise staff for the kindness and compassion they receive.
But we know from some feedback our signage is confusing, and that can add to the stress of coming to the hospital.
We have been working to rectify this as part of a wayfinding project, which has been funded entirely by our QVH Charity.
If you are visiting the hospital over the next few weeks you will see work has begun to remove the old signs and replace them with a series of new signs, such as the one pictured.
The names of wards and departments on direction signs are being replaced by a simplified system using numbers which is based on wayfinding expertise. Similar systems are already used in complex and potentially stressful environments, such as airports.
This system will make it easier for patients and visitors to understand where they are on site in relation to where they want to go.
For more information please contact the QVH Press Office on 01342 414508.