Staff rate Queen Victoria Hospital a great place to work

Wednesday 19th February 2020

Staff rate Queen Victoria Hospital a great place to work

Results from the latest national survey of NHS staff show that staff at Queen Victoria Hospital (QVH) rate it highly as a place to work as well as rating it as an excellent hospital to receive treatment.

Every year all NHS staff are asked to complete a questionnaire about their experience of working for the NHS and for their trust.

As QVH is a specialist NHS hospital providing life-changing reconstructive surgery, burns care and rehabilitation services, its staff survey results are compared with those for other specialist acute trusts across the country. QVH’s world-leading clinical teams provide specialist surgery and non-surgical treatment for conditions of the hands and eyes, head and neck cancer and skin cancer, reconstructive breast surgery, maxillofacial surgery and prosthetics. It also runs a minor injuries unit, therapies services and a sleep disorder service.

Of the 11 ‘key themes’ in the survey, QVH scored better than average for five, about the same for five and just below average for just one.

Compared to the other 13 specialist acute trusts in its benchmarking group, QVH scored the highest for staff morale. 92 per cent of staff who responded would be happy with the standard of care provided by the organisation if a friend or relative needed treatment; with 72 per cent of staff saying they would recommend QVH as a place to work. 88 per cent of staff also agreed that care of patients and service users is the organisation’s top priority. The results of these three areas have all increased on last year’s survey.

Commenting on the results, QVH chief executive Steve Jenkin said: “It is excellent that so many of our staff would recommend Queen Victoria Hospital as a place to work or be treated. We are especially proud to score highly for staff morale as it is important to us that our hospital is a great place to work. We will use the results of the study to see where we can continue to make improvements for the future.”

For more information please contact the QVH Press Office on 01342 414508.