Securing the long term future of QVH

Thursday 8th October 2020

Securing the long term future of QVH

Queen Victoria Hospital is a specialist NHS hospital providing life-changing reconstructive surgery, burns care and rehabilitation services for people who have been injured or disfigured through accidents or disease.

QVH is an exceptional hospital and whilst our reputation stretches around the world, we are the second smallest trust in England. This reputation is the result of the high quality services, innovation and partnership working at the core of our clinical work.

Our specialist focus, the extensive geography from which our patients come and our position as one of the country’s smallest trusts also pose challenges for us. We are considering a possible merger with Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals (BSUH) and Western Sussex Hospitals because we believe it will help us to secure our future and do even better for our patients and our staff. This might mean that in due course we join BSUH and Western in a single new hospital trust.

We want to maintain the very best clinical outcomes while making sure we can run resilient patient-facing and back office services; ensuring our specialist services are backed up by the full range of support services, and optimising the use of NHS resources.

We have produced a document which describes the reasons why we think change is needed and how a merger could address some of the challenges that we face.

You can read the booklet here.