Update on possible future plans for our estate and land sale
Friday 13th November 2020

Oueen Victoria Hospital has wonderful modern operating theatres but we also have some ageing buildings put up during and immediately after World War II, some of which were intended to be temporary but are still in use today. In the years ahead, and if we can identify funds, we would like to:
- Create new specialised surgical wards and critical care facilities alongside our operating theatres.
- Provide outpatient clinics closer to the car park at the front of the site, so that patients can find their way to appointments more quickly and easily.
- Provide better space for our staff to relax and have meals when they are on a break.
- Look at ways to support green travel and make our hospital more environmentally friendly.
Selling some unused land belonging to our hospital will support some of the important life-changing work we do and could support this vision for the future.
The land at the north west of our site adjoining Oakfield Way, shown as shaded on the map below, has been sold, subject to planning, to Brookworth Homes Limited who will be submitting an application for planning permission for a small number of residential properties. This land has been allocated for development in the Council’s Local Plan and East Grinstead Neighbourhood Plan.
In coming months you may notice some preliminary site investigations being carried out by Brookworth Homes on the land; no building work will begin until planning permission is granted which we understand is expected to be mid 2021.