Queen Victoria Hospital NHS Foundation Trust AGM 2021

Monday 5th July 2021

Queen Victoria Hospital NHS Foundation Trust AGM 2021

We would like to invite you to join us for our virtual Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Monday 19 July from 5-6.30pm. It will be an opportunity to hear about our achievements over the last year, including our role as a specialist surgical cancer during the pandemic, working with hospitals from across Sussex, Surrey and Kent, to support patients with high-risk cancers (breast, head & neck, and skin).

Mr Simon Mackey, consultant plastic surgeon, will be joining us to talk about “Microvascular breast reconstruction.” Queen Victoria Hospital is the largest provider of autologous (free flap) breast reconstruction in Europe, using tissue from another place on your body to form a breast shape. We also have the shortest published inpatient stays for patients undergoing this surgery.

As well as hearing from Simon, we will also present our annual reports and accounts, which will be available shortly here on our website, and our auditors will present a summary of their findings of the 2020/21 audit.

Papers for the meeting can be found here.

Bookings for our AGM have now closed. Thank you to everyone who registered to attend.

Updated: 15 July 2021