Head and neck oncology

We are a regional centre for head and neck surgery and our head and neck cancer services include primary assessment and diagnosis, specialist review, surgery and follow up.

The surgical team includes maxilllofacial surgeons and an ENT surgeon, all with sub specialty experience in tumours of the mouth, throat, neck and head.

Both routine and advanced surgery is carried out, including laser surgery and advanced reconstructive techniques. This may include routine tongue cancer ablation and simple free tissue transfer to complex facial or laryngopharyngeal ablation requiring advanced complex free tissue transfer techniques.

The surgical team meet weekly as a multidisciplinary team with other local ENT surgeons, oncologists, speech and language therapists, psychological therapists, dieticians and specialist nurses to offer co-ordinated state-of-the-art care to both inpatients and outpatients.

Our Macmillan Head and Neck Clinical Nurse Specialists, Clare Lancaster, Bincey Joseph and Michelle Dubber, act as a point of contact for patients, relatives, carers and other healthcare professionals and coordinates care and psychological support for patients receiving treatment for head, neck and thyroid cancer at QVH.

We also provide treatment for patients with associated skull base disease in conjunction with Hurstwood Park neurosurgery centre.

Consultant treatment outcomes

As part of a drive to give patients more information about their treatment and help the NHS drive up and maintain the quality of care, NHS England is now publishing mortality rates for individual hospital consultants in ten specialties including head and neck cancer.

Head and neck surgeons at QVH have been 100% compliant with entering cases using the new DAHNO (Data for Head and Neck Oncologists) data collection system. The data is based on the initial treatment of new diagnosis cancer only, and not on salvage surgery or treatment of recurrent disease or advanced skin cancer – all of which is also frequently performed at QVH.

Page last updated: 2 January 2024.

Patient information leaflets