Simulation training and resources
The simulation faculty currently provide:
- monthly critical incident training in theatres, which provides an introduction to human factors concepts
- airway training with Tunbridge Wells Hospital for higher anaesthetics trainees
- low fidelity airway training every six months
- a dental core trainee skills day for each new intake
- multidisciplinary tracheostomy training
- paediatric burns training supported by staff from Brighton attending QVH
All educators have access to the facilities in the Education Centre for delivering simulation as part of teaching programmes for all staff.
Available equipment
- Laerdal SimMan manikin
- Orsim bronchoscopy simulator, which allows users to develop bronchoscope dexterity
- Airsim Advance for intubation techniques etc
- Hand fracture models which allow users to gain experience and build confidence in repairing fractures
- Artificial skin which contains skin and subcuticular fat for practising basic and advanced suturing techniques
- Facial suturing models which allow users to gain experience and build confidence in repairing the complex lacerations of the mouth, nose, ear and eye
- Ophthalmic wet and dry skills boards.
There is also a microsurgical skills lab for plastics trainees and a dental skills lab with phantom heads.