Dr Alison Chalmers

Consultant Anaesthetist

Dr Alison Chalmers

Specialist interests: Maxillofacial surgery; difficult airway management; preoperative assessment; education. 

Dr Alison Chalmers qualified from Birmingham University in 1998. She trained in anaesthetics at the Queens’ Medical Centre in Nottingham and in hospitals throughout the East Midlands. She then completed a one year advanced fellowship in difficult airway management at the Queen Alexandra Hospital in Portsmouth.

She is the current Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA) Deputy Regional Advisor for Anaesthetics in Sussex. She is the RCoA/Difficult Airway Society airway lead for QVH, and is an author of the 2022 ‘Guidelines for the provision of anaesthetic services for ENT, oral maxillofacial and dental surgery’. This document supports healthcare managers and anaesthetists with responsibilities for service delivery design and deliver high quality anaesthetic services. The guidelines are developed using a rigorous, evidence based process and are accredited by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).

Dr Chalmers has been a consultant anaesthetist at QVH since 2010.