Miss Rachael Harrison

Consultant Plastic Surgeon

Miss Rachael Harrison

Specialist interests: Extremity (hand and lower limb); trauma and reconstruction; burns; microsurgery.

Miss Rachael Harrison was appointed as a Consultant Plastic Surgeon at QVH in September 2022, initially as a locum before being appointed substantively.

Miss Harrison graduated in Medicine from Imperial College London with a first class honours in Surgery and Anaesthesia, following which she trained throughout London and completed higher plastic surgery training in Yorkshire and Humberside.

Miss Harrison has completed both a Hand and Wrist fellowship at Frimley Health NHS Trust and an Extremity Microsurgical fellowship at Imperial College NHS Foundation Trust. This gained her expertise in trauma, reconstruction and planned procedures for the upper and lower limb. She attained the Royal College of Surgeons Fellowship for Plastic Surgery (FRCS plas), holds the European Hand Diploma, is on the General Medical Council specialist register for plastic surgery and is a member of the British Society for Surgery of the Hand.

Miss Harrison was awarded the Blond McIndoe Research Fellowship from the Royal College of Surgeons of England for her research in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. She was awarded a PhD from Imperial College London for her work into gliding tissue interfaces to improve outcomes following hand surgery. Miss Harrison has an interest in translational research and has been involved in many large studies run by the Reconstructive Surgery Trials Network (RSTN). She looks to improve links between basic science research and clinical practice to ultimately optimise outcomes for patients.

Page last updated: 10 January 2024.