Mr Asit Khandwala

Consultant Plastic Surgeon

Mr Asit Khandwala

Specialist interests: All aspects of plastic surgery especially hand surgery

Mr Asit Khandwala started in Plastic Surgery in 1989. He has trained both in the UK and India. He trained in Plastic Surgery at the St James University Hospital in Leeds, Charing Cross, Chelsea and Westminster, St Andrew’s Centre for Plastic Surgery in Chelmsford and Queen Mary’s, Roehamptom. He also trained at the Stoke Mandeville Hospital. He completed his specialist training and was appointed a Consultant at the Queen Victoria Hospital in 2004. Mr Khandwala is a fully accredited specialist in Plastic Surgery and a full member of the BAPRAS (British Association of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery), BAAPS (British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons) and also a full member of the British Society for Surgery of the Hand (BSSH). Mr Khandwala is also involved with research, audit and education of medical students.

He runs general plastic surgery, skin cancer, breast surgery and hand surgery clinics at Queen Victoria Hospital. He has a special interest in Hand Surgery, especially rheumatoid hands and nerve reconstruction.